Therefore, it must check up the frequency components of data before interpretation in orde to guarantee the wave group character of seismic section; 因此,高分辨率地震资料解释须做到:解释前检查资料的频率成分,以保证地震剖面的波组特征;
Therefore, interpretation models have been built using neural network technology according to the naturally divisional characteristics of the reservoir to interpret section by section. 采用神经网络(BP)方法按物性的自然分区特征建立了解释模型,进行分段解释。
Comprehensive interpretation of seismic and geological data in the north section of Longmen Mountain structural belts 龙门山构造带北段地震、地质综合解释
There exists great limitation on traditional seismic data interpretation method, which shows seismic data sets by displaying the planar image of seismic section and horizontal slice. 传统的地震数据解释方法是利用地震剖面与水平切片的二维图象显示三维数据,它具有很大的局限性。
These formulae provide a theoretical estimation basis for the design of3D straight line spread, the apparent dip correction of broabside spread and the interpretation of migrated section. 它为三维直测线观测系统的设计,非纵测线的视倾角校正和偏移剖面的解释提供了理论根据。
In that cases, it is worth to consider whether the RG line is suitable for datum of interpretation of seismic section. 在这种情况下,RG线作为地震剖面解释的基准面是否合适值得探讨。
After the structural interpretation of post-stack seismic section, non-isotime extrapolated wave impedance inversion of target horizon is made, starting from borehole-side trace, to achieve seismic inversion operation of the same horizon under a restriction of equal low frequency background. 对叠后地震剖面进行构造解释后,再从井旁道出发对目标层段进行非等时的外推波阻抗反演,使用相同层位的地震数据能够在相同低频背景的约束条件下进行反演运算。
Comprehensive geological-geophysical interpretation of one typical section 某典型剖面综合地质地球物理解释
Based on forcedly contact, 36-finger image caliper can offer 36 curves of well diameter, so the effect of casing damage is given. Interpretation figures are nice and vivid, including solid figure, image figure of well wall, section figure of well wall. 36臂井径通过独立臂的硬接触提供36条井径测井曲线,提供套管的质量状况,成果图图象直观、准确,可形成立体图、井壁展开成像图、井壁截面图。
The interpretation of the environment information recorded by charcoal in a Holocene section at ETC site in the middle reaches of Jinghe 泾河中游ETC全新世剖面木炭屑记录的环境信息解译
This paper describes the progress in deep structural exploration, especially the two special topics on seismic interpretation of complex structure and geoscience section in the ⅹⅹ General Assembly of IUGG. 本文对第20届IUGG大会中有关深部探测方面的进展,特别是复杂结构的地震解释和地学断面两个专题做了介绍;
The application of this method needs detailed fault interpretation in seismic section, which favours construction of a good fractal section. 在利用此法中,要尽可能将剖面上的所有的断层解释出来,以利于构造好的分形剖面。
Gradient analysis and environmental interpretation of woody plant communities in the middle section of the northern slopes of Qilian mountain, gansu, china 祁连山北坡中段森林植被梯度分析及环境解释
It is a complex fault depression basin parallel to the strike of Liaohe Basin, which can be demonstrated by the research of the interpretation section of traverse in the northern section of the East Depression. 经过多条横切构造走向的剖面研究,证实了东部凹陷北段为复式断陷,断陷的走向与盆地走向基本平行。
Interpretation method with data of interval recovering oil to plot out flow section automatically and calculate production volume is an effective way to process testing data. 间歇试采资料解释方法自动划分流动段和折算产量,是处理定压试采资料的有效的方法之一。
The results indicate that the three-instantaneous information can improve the interpretation on characteristics of Moho using the original section. 结果表明,利用三瞬信息可以补充原始剖面上莫霍面的解释。
Entrepreneurship education students were from the ideological and political education in the meaning, characteristics, status, role, content and other aspects of entrepreneurship education students in the interpretation of the ideological and political education section. 分别从大学生创业教育中的思想政治教育的涵义、特点、地位、作用、内容等几方面解读大学生创业教育中的思想政治教育部分。
We considered the mechanism of this phenomenon was effect of intermolecular Fermi resonance on Raman scattering and presented reasonable interpretation using theory of Raman scattering cross section. 我们认为这种现象产生的主要机理是分子间的费米共振对拉曼散射的影响。并利用拉曼散射截面理论来进行了合理的解释。